
Consequences Of Immigrant's Criminal Behavior

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Immigrant’s criminal behavior is likely to change once immigrants leave their country of origin and get into a foreign country either illegally or legally. This is based on the recognition that that diverse migrant individuals are likely to have modifications in all of the constituents of life,( Nielsen and Martinez, 2011). Immigrants would have the fear of being deported back to their country’s’ of origin especially if their country’s’ are not stable politically are wars are being experienced, If they have a chance of making a decent living in the foreign country. If they are illegal immigrants they would fear the legal proceedings hence they have to lie low and keep away from the authorities. Assuming the migrants had much poorer legal labor market chances in their native country, whether attributed to their unemployment rates or their wages were lower, this would intensify the possibility of criminal behavior of immigrants compared to the natives, (Machin and Meghir 2004). If they are coming from desperate backgrounds and they need their lives to change.

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