
Consumer 's Role On Creating More Garbage Over The Years

Decent Essays

The issues pertaining to consumer’s role on creating more garbage over the years remains to be a controversial topic within the social and economic realms. Some issues that are in support of garbage include brining in revenue to the district, employs a great amount of people, feeds our economy by stimulating consumerism and the economy, allows individuals to live a mobile life, helps to keep disease away and sanitary living conditions, convenient in regards to disposing unwanted materials, and encourages composting. According to an organization called Less is More, “Organic wastes, such as food waste and yard waste, make up 25 to 50% of what people throw away…composting can significantly cut down on your overall trash.” Due to Americans now living in closer proximities to each other more garbage is being produced, but by understanding how compost their garbage efficiently can allow them to spend more on goods on the market. Some values that are in support of garbage include prosperity, valuing one’s quality of life and best interests, morality, and wanting the best for their health. Some issues that are not in support of garbage include the creation of excessive trash and unnecessary pollution, endangering animals with trash, landfills and the toxins released, improperly disposing of garbage, truck pollution from weekly trash pick ups, non-biodegradable products, lack of regard when disposing their trash, not aesthetically pleasing, and wasting valuable resources that one

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