
Container Garden Research Paper

Decent Essays

Your Own Amazing Container Garden: It's Easier Than You Think!

Container gardens are all the rage these days, and with good reasons. They're beautiful, relaxing, fruitful and even great exercise for their keepers.

Here's how to keep the process of creating and cultivating these vibrant parcels of paradise easy and efficient.

Making Choices About Your Container Garden

It's very important that you plan your container garden out, to ensure your chosen plants thrive and you enjoy every moment of bloom. Since there are so many variable to growing different plants and flowers, you'll want to keep track with a notebook and update it as needed.

Starting with the basics, make a list of all the environmental variable that will affect how your chosen …show more content…

Available sunshine. Measure the time and intensity of sun in all areas you're using for the container garden.

3. Possible wind strength. Most plants don't do well in strong winds, so see that they are not left vulnerable.

4. The colors you're looking for. Plan for your favorite colors and those that go well with each other or your home's exterior.

5. The time you can devote. Choose carefree plants that can tolerate a wide variety of conditions if you're very busy in other areas of your life. Only opt for care-intensive plants and flowers if you can afford them the attention they need.

6. Accessing the water the garden needs. Since providing water for a container garden can be tedious and laborious, make sure you can reach it with a garden hose. Otherwise, you'll be getting an agonizing workout hauling all that water.

Once you know what you can provide for the living things in your container garden, you can go ahead and select exactly what you want to grow, with total confidence that you'll be capable of providing everything they need to flourish. Just make sure the plants and flowers you choose will acclimate well to the conditions intend to provide.

Digging …show more content…

Choose the best area. Container gardens need varying amounts of light, but they all beg for more water and nutrients, so pick areas that they're likely to do well in, but areas that you can easily access.

2. Select your containers. You could opt for uniform, store-bought boxes or mix-and-match odds, ends and whatchamacallits from around your home.

3. Provide adequate drainage. Prior to filling any container with soil, you should see that it has sufficient drainage. Container plants need lost of water and as such, also demand drainage to prevent drowning, disease and decay. You might drill holes in the pots, but you should also add draining rocks, too, in order to keep the soil and roots inspired.

4. Prep a nutrient-rich soil. This should be according to the needs of your chosen plants and the quality of your potting soil.

5. Carefully transfer your plants. Try to mimic the conditions and positions going from pot to container.

6. Arrange them accordingly. Based on what they need and how they look, mix up your containers until they and you are totally

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