
Cookie Ethics Case Study

Good Essays

Background Cookie technology involves creating a digital copy of your consciousness and placing it into an empty portable electronic device. The cookie are initially self-aware and conscious and can function in various ways including running a house, receive everything to your liking, force confessions from criminals, potentially assist in finding out the wishes of dying patients, and other functions (Brooker & Tibbetts, 2014). The cookie is sometimes reluctant to give into their new reality of “working” for the person they were created from. This results in someone coming in to assist the cookies to dealing with their life and how to manage. The advanced technology allows the helper to advance time at a great speed – months or years at …show more content…

This issue should be highlighted during the decision making process to ensure the peoples subconscious are being used for what they consented to – healthcare decisions whether fully functional or incapacitated – and nothing else that could cause harm to them or others. This issue also ensures to the patient that their wishes are met despite what their family may want, as the providers would follow the wishes determined by the copy of the …show more content…

When going through each of the questions in the ethical tool, the questions “What are the rights afforded to the user?” required a more in-depth answer. It was determined that the user would have full control of who and what can access their cookie and how the information will be used. The other yellows were simple yes and no’s, all of which were successfully answered on the condition that the cookies will not cause harm to the person, that all users will be treated equally, and that there will be no bias against the users that opt-out (depending on if this feature is available or not). Even if these 3 conditions are not met, we still reached the 9 out of 12 limit moving us on to step

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