
Corruption : The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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A·bor·tion: the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus (Merriam-Webster). Dealing with such a controversial and sensitive topic many Americans bump heads on a daily basis trying to argue the subject of abortion and whether or not it should be legal. Many people who are pro-choice believe that it should be left up to a woman to choose what to do with her body and whether or not she wants to give life to another human being, while others believe that abortion is murder and the woman and the doctor who chooses to perform such criminal acts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. During the 2016 run for Presidency Donald Trump also agreed with …show more content…

In 1970 a woman named Norma McCorvey also known as Jane Roe filed a lawsuit against the Dallas Texas District Attorney Henry Wade, Wade represented the state of Texas in one of the biggest Pro-Choice lawsuits in the country. The lawsuit came about when Roe discovered she was pregnant with her third child, unable to care for another child Roe seeked an abortion and was denied in her hometown because under the laws in Texas at that time abortions were only legal if the pregnancy was the outcome of rape, incest or if the pregnancy threatened the mother's life. The outcome of this drawn out lawsuit was in favor of Jane Roe. The US Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, affirms the legality of a woman's right to have an abortion under the Fourteenth amendment to the Constitution(CNN). This case proves why women should continue to exercise her right to an abortion. Women who are denied abortions are more likely to fall below the poverty line forcing them to become dependent on government assistance. Ending an unwanted pregnancy allows women to not feel forced to deal with the male involved in the pregnancy. Some women become pregnant and feel obligated to have a prolonged relationship with the father causing years of mental and emotional abuse.

Pro-life is the term used for activist who are against abortion. Activist who are

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