
Costco Stock Analysis

Decent Essays

It is a Sunday afternoon, and your parents announce to you and your siblings that they are going shopping at Costco. You waste no time sprinting to get your shoes on and getting in the car. When you arrive at Costco you hurry out of the car and bound into the store straight to the food aisle where you see samples upon samples upon samples. You love trying all of the different foods that they have to offer. Costco is one of the companies that I know something about. However before I picked it as my stock, I needed to use Peter Lynch’s blended approach to help me validate that Costco had the right financials for me to their purchase stock.
In the beginning of the stock market game I bought only stocks in only 5 different companies, those companies were all companies that I was familiar with. The five companies were Apple, American Eagle, Costco, Disney and Hershey. I bought Apple stock because who doesn’t think of Apple when they think of big companies with a lot of money. …show more content…

Using what I know about Costco and what the business is about I think Costco would be the right investment for me, because as I said earlier my family shops there. Even though Costco stock is going down in November, from the trend in the previous years shows that in early December the Costco stock is likely to go up and help me make some money. Another reason, why Costco is a good investment is that they have sound financials and there is a very low percent that Costco would go bankrupt, because the make over 150 billion dollars a year. Similarly, they sell food and people need food to survive so long as there are people on earth there would be a very low chance for Costco to go bankrupt. Using the blended approach helped me chose Costco to invest in, and now that I have invested in Costco I haven’t made much money. But like I said above the trend shows that the Costco stock tend to go up in early

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