
Critical National Infrastructure Recovery

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Critical National Infrastructure Protection
(Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor) Introduction
When we talk about nuclear infrastructure we understand the importance of the protection of such an infrastructure. We understand how critical it is that we have an emergency plan in case of a disaster or attack. Without these emergency plans in place we face an exponential number of casualties. In order to avoid or contain such a situation if it were to ever occur, we shall be using two types of tools to identify the appropriate measures necessary to avoid such a situation. The first tool is a Risk Matrix which will clearly identify what our most serious risk is, the second is a stakeholder matrix which will show us the importance of our resources …show more content…

With all the devastating terrorist attacks that have happened over the last few years such as the Twin Towers in 2001 which devastated the whole world. The thought that Terrorist managed to take over a civilian air craft filled with passengers and crash it into a world icon for being one of the tallest buildings on earth before the military could do anything to prevent it. In 2005 four homemade bombs went off on London's public transport system, unfortunately this was unexpected and difficult to prevent. Most recently the Martin Place Siege in Sydney occurred with little we could do to prevent it as Lone Wolf terrorist are not easily detected. The consequences of these attacks have caused the deaths of thousands of people, left many injured and scared and resulted in billions of dollars being invested by governments around the world in an effort to circumvent these attacks. With so many Australians joining (ISIS) this is a nightmare come true as they know all the ins and the outs of this country and could potentially help orchestrate a devastating attack on Australian soil. Can you imagine the consequences of a terrorist dropping a large bomb by air strike onto Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor site? This would kill hundreds of thousands and potentially millions of people in the …show more content…

Without the use of a Risk Matrix we are unable to identify threats to our survival and if we can't identify them, then how can we prevent or create an emergency plan. When we talk about Nuclear Reactors and the risks that come with it, the first thing that comes to mind is the word "Safety". Defining safety is the "state of being safe" (Podbielsli 2000, p. 483). The consequences are so high to the survival of the human race that its human instinct to survive at all costs and now that we have ways of identifying risks, we are able to put contingency plans in place for future use if needed. During my analysis of risks that would be a threat to the Nuclear facility I managed to pin point exactly what the major threat is and with the same analysis I also came to find how unimportant other risks can be as well. This makes it far easier to make a decision on where to focus the most resources. The below table clearly shows our risk priorities in order, so that we can clearly understand and attend to the most important issue we currently have and will have in the

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