
Critical Thinking Model Essay

Decent Essays

Justin Colmer- Hollingsworth Financial Services


1.) The concept that I have acquired and would like to discuss is the emotional bank account. The emotional bank account is similar to a financial institutions bank account. In an emotional bank account, these transactions are done in our minds not on a physical ledger. An emotional deposit could be characterized as an act of courtesy, honesty, always keeping commitments or an act of kindness. These deposits like a bank deposit add to the balance. A withdrawal can occur just like in a financial institution taking away from your reserve balance. An emotional withdrawal could be anything from being disrespectful, ignoring someone, …show more content…

Instead of the repetitive vision I was seeing I wanted to take an approach as if I was a different person seeing this schedule for the first time. Mental models are powerful and can affect what we do and how we see our mental image of the situation. My plan was to look at my planner and to approach my week in a different manner. My plan was to adjust the time I was spending in the mornings to review work and school work to have more time to sleep before work.

On Sunday I reviewed my schedule like I always do. I printed out all my weekly documents. I then approached my scheduling as if I were someone else. I was able to see a gap in the evenings, this gap was time I was wasting so to speak. Instead of waking up fifteen minutes early like I have been doing for the past four weeks, I decided to use this time to rest. That extra fifteen minutes made a pretty big difference in the way I felt. This difference reduced my stress in the morning because my mind was not racing to hurry up and try to go over notes before breakfast. I put my plan into action on Monday, I was able to review my school notes in the evening which reduced my morning workload. The outcome was I was less stressed in the morning and able to complete my objectives in the evening in a less stressful environment. This mental model was overlooked because I had a preconceived notion that I had to do a task in the morning. I was not able to see this mental model because I was looking at it in a repetitive

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