
Critique Appraisal

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Critique Appraisal of Research Paper
This paper is a research critique of the article titled, “ Effect of distraction on children’s pain during intravenous catheter .” Sadeghi, Mohammadi, Shamshiri, Bagherzadeh & Hossinkhani (2013) conducted the study using a soft ball for the children to press during intravenous catheter insertion. This paper will critique the design, sample and setting, ethical considerations, data collection and analysis, and the results with recommendations of the researchers.
Research Design The authors conducted a quasi-experimental design to conduct the research, which is a type of quantitative research. A quasi-experimental design uses comparisons to determine the effects of one variable on another variable (Grove, …show more content…

Sadeghi et al. (2013) stated that all the parents were informed about the study, they sign a written consent and a verbal assent was obtained from each participant. The authors did not clearly mention about the approval from the institutional review board (IRB), but mentioned that permission was obtained from the administrative office of nursing and pediatric surgery of the hospital. The IRB is a committee that reviews researches to ensure that they have been conducted under ethical considerations.
In regard to informed consent, is an agreement between the subject and the researcher which explain all the steps of the experiments and the signature of the study participant. The informed consent includes four major elements: disclosure of the information about the experiment, understanding of the information provided, ability of the participant to give consent, and voluntary consent of the subject to be part of the study (Grove et al., 2015). As already mentioned, the authors clearly stated that a written consent was obtained from all subject’s parents with verbal assent.
Data Collection and …show more content…

The researchers used a coin to select the sample for the two groups of the study, a demographic questionnaire to collect data, a Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale to assess the children pain level before and after the procedure, and an elastic soft ball. The study clearly described the tools, provided a detailed explanation of the Wong-Baker FACES and how it was used during the procedures, which proved the validity and reliability of the instruments used in the study. Validity is defined as a determination of how well the instrument reflects the concept being examined, and reliability is demonstrated when consistent results are produced using the same instruments (Grove et al., 2015). Lastly, to evaluate the data of the results the authors used SPSS program which evaluate the frequency, mean, percent and standard deviation, they used the chi-square test to evaluate the homogeneity of the two groups, the kolmogorov-smirnov test to assess the normality of the data, and the independent t-test to compare children’s pain in the intervention and control

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