
Critique of a Website Essay

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Critique of a Website

Web sites are just like magazines, newspapers, brochures, menus, or even directions on how to make nitroglycerin from house-hold goods, in that they all have to be put together in such a manner that whoever is reading or browsing over it will be able to clearly distinguish this from that. In this sense, a critique of any particular web site will have justification, while carefully considering also that this is an altogether new medium of information exchange. Now, all of this talk of togetherness is actually a general reference to basic design principles, such as color coordination, if color is used, text size, font choice/ style, art integration, accessibility, and just plain and simple design of the page. For …show more content…

I'm not saying make-up is evil, but we all know what's in somewhat good taste, and what isn't. But, hey!, I could be wrong: There could actually be a great person hiding under that crusty exterior; most of the time there is. A balance needs to be achieved or at least strived for when designing a web page or any page for that matter. I'm not trying to rag on Raygun or anything, because I like A LOT of the stuff that they do, but one must not get carried away with it and ignore what one is supposed to be doing in the first place. For this reason I have chosen to pick on the Alternative X web site (, for this paper. Well, not really pick on them, but you know what I mean. So in our quest to discover the ideal web page we must look at the following things: 1) Does it make sense? Is its layout so erratic in such a way as to render the viewer blind because of the designers lack of vision and utter stupidity? 2) Organization. How and why were things placed in the places they were placed, needs to be known, or at least made seemingly apparant. 3) Since this is a web site we are critiquing, and like a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Book one can skip to another section with almost no fear of being inquisitioned, does its "links" lead to somewhere meaningful?

The first thing one sees when first viewing this page is a yellow screen with a single "X" in the center with "alt" typed across it. Nice. Let me go off on a tangent here: I

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