
Cultural Influences On The American Dream

Decent Essays

Think about your American Dream. What has made you wished to have this dream a reality? What has influenced this dream? Many American Dreams are based off of one of the three different influences; Cultural, Social, and/or Political. After looking at many circumstances, I have come to the conclusion that cultural influences have most impacted the American Dream. Ideas, like freedom, can change your personal American Dream. Dreams as in freedom of Speech, Religion, Enterprise, etc. The freedoms can turn into having Patriotism. Patriotism is having strong feeling for a country. Sometimes these dreams that can be pursued in America need Protection. Protection is another popular American Dream, waiting to be reality.
Many people come to America to pursue their dream of freedom. Whether it is the freedom of religion, speech, or enterprise, it is freedom. Ronald Reagan states that “Our Constitution is a document in which ‘We the People’ tell the government what it is allowed to do. ‘We the People’ are free.” What he means by this is, We the people states freedom, which means America is Free. Later in his speech, Reagan also once addressed, that America is freedom, but we have to do a better job at getting it across. He said freedom is special and rare so we need to protect it. Our former President stated that America is freedom, but we do not do a good job at showing that. Another one of our Former Presidents also talked about this dream of Freedom. This time it was Barack Obama. He expressed back in 2007, “... believe that in America there are no barriers to success - no matter what color you are, no matter where you’re from, no matter how much money you have.” He is saying that you come to America to be free because there are no blockers and barriers on the road to success. Being free can lead to more success. In America, it does not matter what your background looks and consists of, you can be free. Once you feel free in America, you can start to develop Patriotism, if you haven’t already.
Patriotism is when you have a strong feeling for a country. Patriotism can be your American dream. As stated from Ronald Reagan in 1989, “ … But one of the things I am most proudest of in the past 8 years: the resurgence of

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