
Essay about Cumberland Metal Industires

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Cumberland Metal Industries (CMI) is seeking to diversify its product line. A Houston area sales representative has made us aware of the use of curled metal in pile driving as a cushion to absorb shock. The curled metal pads have been tested by two contracting groups, Colerick and Fazio, both with promising success and noticeable advantages over the current asbestos pads.
Colerick has requested pricing so that they can purchase and use our pads on other job sites. Colerick has been told CMI will give them pricing information by the end of the week. Price is the first priority which will be analyzed by cost savings to company, manufacturing costs, and break-even volume. Marketing options will also …show more content…

These hammers average 20 feet per hour for 290 million to 390 million feet driven annually. If six pads per set will drive 10,000 feet then the market for coiled metal pads would be 174,000 to 234,000 pads annually (Exhibit 2).

Market Share
Manufacturing cost estimates are based on a 250 unit per month production schedule. For twelve months CMI would produce 3000 pads per year, or 500 sets of a single coiled metal pad size. With a potential market demand of 174,000 to 234,000 pads annually CMI would only be capturing less than 2% of the market (Exhibit 2).
Basic Pricing based on Manufacturing Costs
The most common pad size is 11 1/2". Total cost per pad would be $148.12 using current equipment or $69.18 with the purchase of $50,000 permanent tooling equipment. CMI seeks for a 40-50% margin allowing for a price of $269.31 or $125.78 respectively (Exhibit 4).
Break-Even Volume With a margin of $121.19 for existing equipment the break-even volume would be 214 units per month. For the permanent tooling equipment the margin is $56.60 which has a break-even volume of 185 units per month (Exhibit 4). Both break-even volume numbers are within CMI manufacturing capabilities. To increase CMI unit production capability equipment at a cost of $75,000 per 250 units could be purchased.
Markets and Sales Force
CMI has been settling on signing construction-oriented manufactures' representatives who sell non-competing products on

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