
Cutting The Federal Budget Essay

Decent Essays

Reason to cut funding:
1. It will decrease the federal budget by .0083% in a time of deficits.
2. It would stop federal funding of abortion (which would be .000249% of the budget IF the Hyde amendment already didn’t prohibit all the federal funds from being spent on abortion already, which it does. So technically, no money goes to abortion from the government, except for the case of rape, incest or life of the mother.) So it actually won’t do what they say it will do.

Reasons not to cut funding:
1. Women have a constitutional right to get an abortion, and it’s not a major piece of their services anyways.
2. 97% of all PP services are non-abortion related, and decrease the change of an unwanted pregnancy, thereby decreasing abortions.
3. Cutting their funding will lead to more health issues for people who used to go to them, thereby increasing costs on the public services providing by the government. It will end up costing more than actually not cutting their funds.
4. …show more content…

They provide 40,953 STI/HIV screening tests each year, 38,962 annual exams, and 39,010 breast cancer screenings—not to mention birth control and family planning services.
5. Planned Parenthood doesn’t use federal money for abortion services.

There are no benefits to cutting their funding, other than spending a tiny tiny bit less money on the federal budget. In doing that, you increase the amount of money the government has to spend on all the repercussions of not educating the public on their reproductive organs and covering their health needs. So you end up spending more money.

If you are anti-choice, it’s awesome for five seconds, as you end up cutting the 3% of money going to abortion related services, along with the other 97% that covers preventative health, cancer screenings, stopping the spread of STDs, etc. By cutting their funding, you actually increase the number of abortions, as their preventative services do a lot to decrease the amount of unwanted

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