
D'Amore's Fragrances Inc. Essay

Decent Essays

Case Study #4
Rich Rogers, Les Ford, and Jasmine Young all worked for Darius D’Amore’s Fragrances, Inc. During the employment there, they believed they were discriminated against and filed a $70 million lawsuit.
The antidiscrimination laws concerning the workplace that fit this case are Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Civil Rights Act of 1991, and Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978. The ADA of 1990 prohibits discrimination based on disability. In this case, the firm violated this act by not promoting Rogers because he had stage four lung cancer. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 awards punitive damages when the injuring party intentionally harms the other.
In my opinion, the plaintiffs do have a prima facie case for …show more content…

The first action the firm can take to prevent further discriminatory actions from occurring again is to let go of the supervisors who were discriminating against other employees and to bring in new management. It is also up to Jeff Juda to enforce the rules of the company. The Code of Conduct clearly states issues regarding a safe and fair workplace, equal employment opportunity, prohibition against harassment, and how to raise concerns. So therefore, it is the responsibility of all the employees to follow the rules as such.
There are different actions Rogers, Young and Ford should have taken since the firm failed to respond to their discrimination complaints. The first step was to start getting tangible proof. One thing they could have done was getting the remarks on tape. Also, when the black pregnant female was reportedly tripped and called a derogatory name by one of the supervisors, they could have possibly taken that further by reviewing cameras for proof. They also could have filed a case with the EEOC. Since there was a violation of three major employment laws, they probably would have gotten a case quicker and more efficiently.
Instead of going to court over their dispute with Darius D’Amore, they could have taken a different approach of mediation and arbitration. These methods involve a third, neutral party that either helps (mediation) or makes (arbitration) the final decision. Rogers, Young, and Ford could have benefited from

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