
Example Of A DBQ On Industrial Revolution

Better Essays

In the final product you will delete anything that is in green. You will replace anything that is in red with your information. Ask questions during this time, this is your opportunity to nail this down.
Industrial Revolution DBQ Directions: The following question is based on the documents included in this exercise. This question is designed to test your ability to work with and understand historical documents. Create a draft of your essay by answering each topic in red and answering your own DIY DBQ in an essay format. The parameters of the future DBQ that will be written for your DIY DBQ are below:
● Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the documents.
● Uses all of the documents. (For this exercise …show more content…

Being the witness from the Factory Commission, from the his/her point view, he saw many people leave their comfortable, better conditioned jobs, in order to obtain higher wages. People did this because most of the population at the time were working low waged jobs and wanted to live a better life.

Exhibit B:
Analyst: The document explains how the mass production of goods led to more people become becoming part of the revolution because more mass production led to a better business. Because the better businesses were able to buy bigger factory, more people would be more employed, the businesses and give out better wages. Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations tells us the inside the businesses marketing/ business records. He says that that if it was separate and independent people were working, they would only produce 20 pins per day, but because of the mass production they were able to produce 48,000 pins per day, proving how The industrial revolution was intended to increase mass …show more content…

Exhibit A:

Analyst: This Document basically displays the hatred towards these manufacturers during this time period. This is due to the unhappy people during this time period because of either lack of safety or unstable working conditions. This could also be due to the lack of education which led to people becoming attracted to communism. However, there was a new found hatred toward capitalism due to the overworking of these people. Marx and Engels saw this new idea as evil and harmful because of they are hogging all the money. However with our 21st century eyes, we can see that the systems is fair.
Exhibit B:
Analyst: This final document proves how people during 1844 thought that people in the capitalist society are just seizing everything to themselves. He says that they regard people to objects rather than humans because of the conditions they are forced under. This shows how the work and conditions you put someone under will affect how you think about that person.

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