
Dakota Access Pipeline Analysis

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Americans are at odds over the morality and legality of the proposed Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) because some believe the construction of this enormous conduit perpetuates the cycle of the American government disregarding Native American rights and others recognize the pipeline’s potential to revolutionize the role of oil in the country’s economy. This issue is older than the United States, yet it resurfaces in 2016 in an emotional discordance between inhabitants of the Sioux Standing Rock Reservation and the Energy Transfer Partners who wish to complete the massive project. To understand the significance of this controversy, one must review the history of Native American relationships with foreign expansionists. ------
1) the behavior of early colonists and the irony of religious freedom Upon his arrival in the New World in 1492, Christopher Columbus brazenly labeled indigenous people “indians,” forced native inhabitants to convert to Christianity, and established a tradition of enslavement and violence against non-white men and women ("Columbus Reaches the New World."). Irony runs deep in the veins of the oppression of indigenous people because early colonists in pursuit of religious freedom were those to first call Native Americans ‘savages.’ Patriotic rhymes that praise America’s …show more content…

("Native Americans."). For example, “American Indians on reservations had no religious rights and were specifically barred from practicing traditional ceremonies” before the American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 (" ." Native American Spirituality: Freedom Denied. ). With the First Amendment in mind, it seems redundant to establish a law that specifically

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