
Dan Crenshaw Case

Decent Essays

Dan Crenshaw had been the worship pastor at the church for as long as anyone could remember. Is was odd to Dan that lately everyone was always asking if he was ok. Of course he felt fine, just getting a little older. He was faithful to get his annual physical and always passed with flying colors. He was sure that the finger trembling he’d noticed when waving was nothing; come to think of it, he’d been having a little difficulty typing too. He’d had trouble sleeping for a while, but that was probably normal for his age. He made a note to check with his Dr. next physical, certain that it was nothing but getting older. In February 2013, after a routine physical, Mr. Crenshaw was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. At a mild to moderate stage, treatment will focus on patient safety, and mobility as well as education ( (Ignatavicius & Workman, 2016).
Assessment and History
Mr. Crenshaw, a 64- year-old male, is 5’11” and …show more content…

Blood pressure -138/88, HR 71, Lung sounds –clear, temperature 98.8 F, radial pulse and pedal pulses +1 bi-laterally, normoactive bowel sounds. No history of smoking, drugs, alcohol use or diabetes; takes no daily medications. Surgical history: Hernia surgery September 2016 and cataract surgery September 2013. Moderately active, walks every day, sometime incorporating hand weights. Patient presents with minimal trembling unilaterally, (left side) when fingers stretched out, reports movements have been slower than normal. Patient’s wife reports “He’s been eating more slowly and it has been taking longer for him to get dressed in the morning.”. Upon examination it was determined that patient has reduced arm swing, slight stiffness in neck, difficulty rising from sitting position in the chair, masked facial features and deteriorated balance. No signs or symptoms of stroke.
Dopamine is produced in the substantia nigra, as well as in the adrenal glands and is transmitted to the basal ganglia along a connecting neural

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