
Data Warehouse ( Dw Of Dwh )

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Introduction Data warehouse (DW of DWH) also called enterprise data warehouse (EDW) refers to the system utilized in the analysis and reporting of data. The can be described as the main component making up business intelligence. Normalized data warehousing describes the repositories containing integrated data form several dissimilar sources. It contains information which can be utilized in creating investigative reports for the various users within an organization. Examples of reports that can be retrieved from these repositories include annual and periodic trends of sales within the organization. The data contained in these sources is uploaded form the operational systems and hence can be utilized in making accurate reports regarding the operations. Before the data can be used for reporting purposes it could pass through operational data stores. This reports presents summaries of researches conducted in topics seeking to describe various normalized models of data warehousing. The research covers the topics indicated in the table below First Normal Form (1NF) Using an example of an entity type in first normal form (1NF) and that contains no repeating groups of data. For example, in Figure 1contains several repeating attributes in the data Order0NF table – the ordered item information is repeated nine times with the contact information repeated twice, for shipping information and billing information each once. Although the initial version of orders could work, there are a

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