
David Cameron Research Paper

Decent Essays

David Cameron announced his resignation as Prime Minister after Britain’s vote to leave the European Union. He wanted a new leader to be chosen by October. According to the Wall Street Journal, Cameron’s successes paved the way to his defeat. Britain was on the path to the referendum, or popular vote, because Cameron wanted to settle challenges from the UK Independence party and the anti-EU wing of his Conservative Party. His ultimate goal was to make the Tories (supporters of the Conservative Party) better at governing. His plan didn’t work, partly because of his successes. Cameron was elected in 2010 when Britain was in the middle of a deep recession. By cutting corporate tax-rates and improving welfare to encourage work, Britain became the fastest-growing major economy in Europe. However, Cameron’s uneasy Liberal Democrat partners were anxious. Collaborating with Chancellor George Osborne, Cameron established a political agreement of budget responsibility, which helped …show more content…

Leave voters also gained an advantage from a weakness in Cameron’s agenda. Corporate tax-rate cuts had to be balanced by increased consumption tax mainly paid by low- and middle- income families. Cuts to welfare benefits also forced cuts from green-energy subsidies. Cameron also talked about curbing immigration, while immigration rates rose during his time in office. He should have talked benefits of a dynamic economy drawing in skills from abroad, which would not have created an impression of ineffectiveness. David Cameron’s successor will be left with rhetorical and policy failures. Tories have a deep bench of candidates, such as Home Secretary Theresa May of Remain and former London Mayor Boris Johnson of Leave, which will benefit them in the election. Britain may or may not have made the right decision, but David Cameron served the nation well by making that vote

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