
David Cay Johnston's Use Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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Rhetorical Analysis Paper The use of rhetoric is powerful, dangerous, and has the influence to change people’s opinion. So in the article “Art of the Steal: This Is How Trump Lost $916M and Avoided Tax” David Cay Johnston effectively uses rhetoric to suede his viewers towards his opinion. Johnston uses pathos, ethos, logos, tonal shifts, and inductive and deductive reasoning to try to explain to his readers how the presidential candidate ,Donald Trump, lost and made money..The author explains how the use of ethos, the appealing towards ethics, helps shift the audience’s view of Donald Trump. Johnston also uses the emotions of the reader to help his own claim, through the use of pathos. Through the use of logos, the use of logic, the …show more content…

Johnston says that Donald Trump used the tax code laws to his advantage and manipulated those laws and found a loophole to gain more income. So he uses logos to bring logic that what Donald Trump was wrong. Telling everyone that he exploited the tax laws brings the audience to want to read more and also shifts the opinion of the audience away from supporting Trump. He enumerates the whole process of explaining on how Trump evaded taxes. He goes into a lot of details on explaining the order of events that happened and how Trump evaded taxes. This use of rhetoric gives an explanation, a path for the readers to follow, so what Johnston is saying wouldn’t be confusing at all. It leads to a more solid article and helps with his claim. The way Johnston uses logos in his article is very strong because of his deductive and inductive reasoning. It is more than likely the strongest rhetorical presence in the article. Johnston also cite from various sources, including Trump himself, to get his point across. What this does for the article is give it a sense of truth that will lead towards more belief in what Johnston is saying. For example Johnston quotes, “I’ve borrowed knowing you can pay it back with discounts,” and “I’ve done well with debt,” from Donald Trump and uses Trumps own words against him. He deliberately does this to make his writing …show more content…

It is a gateway to more knowledge and can help with understanding what people have to say. Just like Johnston used rhetoric in his article to get his point across. He used rhetoric as a tool to convey his message. Trying to sway people towards his opinion about Donald Trump evading taxes for over 18 years and made around 1 billion dollars in tax-free money. The strongest form of rhetoric used was logos, gathering information, citing sources, and using inductive and deductive reasoning to bring logic to his claim. He also uses ethos to try and push the audience to change their perspective of Donald Trumps character and image. Lastly he uses pathos to strike at the reader’s emotions to convince the audience to believe Johnston’s claim that Donald Trump avoided paying taxes and made around 1 billion

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