
Death In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

Decent Essays

Tim O’brien’s The Things They Carried a meta-fictional novel comprised of war story vignettes narrated by a Vietnam War veteran named Tim, a fictionalized version of the author. The story asks its reader to consider the nature of death and the effect of post-mortem storytelling. O’brien posits that life does not always have to end with death because people can be kept alive in the stories and memories of others long after their own demise. O’Brien treats death itself in a fairly unassuming manner. As a soldier, death was a normal experience for Tim, and he had to be able to come to terms with it quickly and often. As such, O’brien presents death without drama or glamour or pomp and circumstance, simply as a given truth in war. In the …show more content…

In Tim’s first up-close and personal encounter with death, Linda, his girlfriend, dies of cancer before turning ten. When Tim attends her wake and sees her body, he is unable to cope with the reality of her death. Instead, he imagines that she is awake and normal and having a conversation with him. Through this conversation with a dead person, Tim comes to realize that his imagination - the stories that he makes up - can keep people alive after their deaths. If he remembers Linda’s corpse, that is all she can ever be, but if he continues to have conversations with her, to imagine her alive, to tell stories about her, then she remains alive as he portrays her. Though told at the end of the book, this vignette becomes a lens through which Tim views death throughout and explains why Tim, the character, and O’brien, the author, tell stories about dead friends. Tim tells stories about death - the death of his friend Kiowa, the postwar suicide of Norman Bowker, the corpse of the man he killed, the tragic accident that killed Ted Lavender, and Linda’s battle with cancer - to preserve the life of people he

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