
Declaration Of Independence And The Constitution Essay

Decent Essays

The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution are two major documents that changed the history of America. These documents changed the United States of America from a colonized nation to an independent nation that has its own government. The Declaration of Independence was written towards Great Britain on July 4, 1776, to show America is now a free state and no longer a colony of Britain (Ferling 222). On the other hand, the United States Constitution was signed in 1878 led to the formation of federal governments, which provided the right for each state to practice its own rule under the US Constitution (Ritchie 11). Without either of these documents, the United States government wouldn’t be as strong as it is today and probably …show more content…

This lasted about 6 years because it was a vulnerable way to defend and secure a newborn nation. In 1787, a group of people known as the Founding Fathers; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Samuel Adams, and Benjamin Franklin came together at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia and wrote the US Constitution. (Madison et al)This document is the highest level of law and explains the fundamental structure of the government and how different branches of the government interact with each other. The three branches of government that we have today is the legislature, executive and the judicial.The Founding Fathers didn’t want one person to have all the power and that’s why the made three parts for a government. Each one of the branches has its own responsibilities but they still link together to form one government. “ The US Constitution has never been perfect. Like all laws, constitutions involve compromises.” (Ritchie 7).The first ten amendments were created during the time of the constitution being made and through the years more have been added and we now have 27 amendments to the US Constitution (Stevens 6).This very important document, the U.S. Constitution, is the self-designated supreme law of America(Ritchie

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