
Definition Essay Beauty

Decent Essays

What is the true meaning of beauty? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, beauty is “the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit” (“Beauty”). With such an open definition, beauty can have a wider variety of interpretations. Although it is often seen as the visual attractiveness of a person, it can also be defined by someone’s personality or abilities. However, should it just be limited to people? Merriam-Webster’s definition states that beauty can be a thing as well; thus, a weeping willow tree or a rusty truck can be described as beautiful. The definition is not limited to physical items either, so abstract concepts like art and physics can be things of beauty too. In reality, anyone and anything can be defined as beauty as long as it is pleasing to the mind. Although beauty is such fleeting term that not only is constantly changing in each country and time era but also varies for each person, the qualities of something beautiful will always please the eye of the beholder. Therefore, to find a more solid and specific definition that will satisfy the most amount of people, the one person or thing that fits the definition should be mentally pleasing and popular, or at least going to be popular in the near future. One …show more content…

In fact, their looks have already begun to change the standard of beauty in South Korea. Many K-pop stars have gotten cosmetic surgery and even are spokespeople for such companies (Stone). With celebrities advertising perfect faces, many people are inspired to get surgery as well. This has made South Korea into the plastic surgery capital of the world, with at least one-fifth of the women population who have had some form of cosmetic surgery (Stone; Marx). Thus, K-pop has set the image of beauty in the hearts of their

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