
Democratic Party For Public Office

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Party identification describes the way an individual identifies a certain political party. This is determined by the political party that the individual usually supports. In the United States, political parties are divided into three parts: the party as the Government, which refers to party members holding political office, party as an organization, which includes leaders, committees and activist who work diligently to promote the party and its candidates, and party as the electorates, who are the citizens that support the party. According to Farrel and Webb, political parties exist primarily for their elective function. A political party is an organization of people possessing similar political opinions and aspirations with the capacity to recommend candidates for public office through elections to ensure majority of the nominated candidates get elected. However, it is one thing for a candidate to be nominated by a political party and quite another for the candidate to identify with the party.
This research investigates how the process of party identification is influenced when a candidate chooses to identify with his or her party and how. It will also discuss the theories of party identification and how they explain it among political candidates. Currently, party identification is still the most compelling explanation that informs voters’ choice. It is agreed that the electorate vote is based on their party identification. While this remains a controversial topic, it

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