
Descartes Discourse On Method Summary

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The mythical phoenix is born in the ashes of its mother once she has been consumed in flame, becoming stronger than she ever was. In Discourse on Method, Descartes hopes to destroy the conventional understanding of philosophy that has been followed throughout the ages, and in doing so establish his own philosophy as the new convention in the ashes of the old philosophy. In this paper, I will present Descartes’ findings of instability in philosophy and distaste for the way people learn as his motivation for undertaking this reconstruction of his thoughts, finding a firm and lasting basis for the sciences as his end goal for the reconstruction, and his rules for conducting thought and code of doubt as the way by which he hopes to achieve …show more content…

Descartes takes this idea and applies it to book learning, and he concludes that book-learning is “composed and enlarged little by little from the opinions of many different persons.” However, he believes that book-learning “does not draw nearly as close to the truth as the simple reasonings that a man of good sense can naturally make about the things he encounters.” Descartes believes that one should trust in their reason rather than in their knowledge which has been collected from the opinions of others. Secondly, Descartes, by embarking on this reconstruction of his thoughts, hopes to find a stable basis for the sciences. Since Descartes was trained as a mathematician, he likes to find proofs for ideas, so that he can know them with absolute certainty. Initially, he believes philosophy to be the basis for the sciences “insofar as they [the sciences] borrow their principles from philosophy.” However, he concludes that philosophy cannot be the basis for the sciences, saying, “one could not have built anything upon such unstable foundations.” Now, he has to find a stronger foundation for the sciences and it is only through the reconstruction of his thought that he is able to do this. Lastly, Descartes uses two methods to carry out the reconstruction of his thoughts. The first method is his four rules for conducting thought, which will characterize the way that he will look at the world during this period of reconstruction. The first rule is

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