
Descartes Meditation 1 Knowledge Analysis

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Throughout Descartes meditations, it is clear that he strongly believes he has been deceived over a long period of time by his senses, and therefore cannot trust any current knowledge he has previously claimed to have had. He reflects on the fact that he has often found himself to be mistaken with regard to matters that he formerly thought were certain, and seeks to rid himself of all deception, reconstructing his knowledge by somehow withdrawing completely from the senses, and doubting everything. It is very clear what his overall object is while writing this piece, he wishes to question all knowledge. In Descartes Meditations, he questions many metaphysical topics such as the existence of a separate body and mind. He furthermore goes onto …show more content…

He states that if something else was to have created him, then that thing must have supplied him with the idea of God since it exists within his mind- which previously stated is the only thing in this world that is true. So if the creator was a finite being, then the question arises of how the creator obtained the knowledge of God. This must mean that the creator in question had a previous creator, and they had a previous creator- thus making a countless chain of creators. From this reasoning can we conclude that God must be derived from an infinite being-Himself- and not a finite being with limited knowledge. Descartes uses this reasoning to explain that one man simply cannot have the ability within his own senses to be able to tell if God has a part in deceiving us, but we must be able to conclude that the idea of God can only derive from God. We must understand that He is no deceiver, since deception comes from a defect with which does not exist in a perfect and infinite being such as God …show more content…

The mediator is able to accept the fact that material things do exists, so long as they are a matter of mathematics. This holds true for Descartes because he believes math is part of intellect which, previously, was stated to be true in this world. He is able to support this based on imagination, and all of the bodies other senses. First off, Descartes is required to explain the difference between imagination and actual understating. In order to do so, Descartes refers back to a mathematical based logic. He asks the reader to imagine a simple triangle. This task is simple enough, there exists three sides and has three angles. We can also use our imagination to picture the triangle in front of us. Descartes then goes on to test our intellect versus our imagination. He does so by asking of us to now imagine a thousand-sided figure. We have difficulty doing so, seeing that we cannot fathom the physical appearance of this geometric shape. However, using our logical understanding, we are able to understand the mathematical properties of the thousand-sided figure. Descartes uses this example to prove that imagination cannot therefore be an essential element to the mind. He states that one’s imagination is connected to the body, since he could still exists simply with his mind and lack imagination- just like how the

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