
Descartes 's Meditations On The Existence Of God

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Descartes sets out in his meditations to prove that something exists beyond any doubt. He determines that the only way to prove anything outside of his mind is to prove the existence of his idea of God. The ideas that come from his process are interesting, but he doesn’t prove the existence of God is undeniable. Several arguments Descartes uses to claim God exists, don’t hold up to what he has proved up to that point in his meditations. The first being his use of the causal principle on which the rest of his argument seems to rely.
Descartes begins the meditations in an effort to wipe out previous knowledge and rebuild it only on knowledge he can know without a doubt. Going through all he believes and deciding if he should still believe is too arduous a task so he goes through several steps and determines that everything can be doubted, even the science and mathematics we know. First he says we can’t trust what we know from our senses because they can deceive us, for example feeling a hat on your head after you remove it. He then says there is no way for him to believe any event because he could be dreaming. Sometimes when he dreams he thinks he’s awake so he knows his mind can’t tell the difference. Descartes remembers his idea of God and realizes God can do anything, including deceive him about what he thinks is real. He decides a perfect God wouldn’t deceive, so he imagines an evil genius creating us and deceiving us at all times. Now, he can put all previous knowledge

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