
Descriptive Essay About A Tree

Decent Essays

Growing up I have tender memories of watching the majestic oak tree go thru numerous seasons. Each change of time brought on another milestone in my life. Climbing the branches I learned so much about life and myself. Looking down from the tree I learned more about others then I would being stuck on the ground alone. At the age of 5, I can fondly remember my step father building a tree house in that oak tree and attaching a rope swing. The addition of the treehouse brought a new love into my life, but it never took away love of my tree.
A call came that I needed to come home, if I did not come now I would regret it. Ohio bound, the next flight out, luggage packed, and tears streaming down my face. I prayed that time would be on myside. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Why is time so stagnant? Years have passed since I have been to visit. Walking along that old beat up fence on a brisk autumn day a tear rolls down my cheek. The beautiful old oak tree seems frail and withered. More leaves have fallen since last I have been here. The branches have been stripped bare exposing more of the bark that has faded to ghostly shades of white and grey. A light breeze stirs the leaves causing the rope swing to sway back and forth. The last few leaves are barely holding on. Sitting beneath the tree my tears create a small puddle upon a leaf. Rippling across the top a reflection appears, but not myself as an adult. A small child with flour upon her cheek, her tiny hands

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