
Descriptive Essay On Bowling

Decent Essays

Bowling is one of my favorite things to do every Saturday morning in a league . In the first few weeks I was bowling in a consistent way which means that you do the same every time. The weeks we do not bowl on are Holiday weekends because they want us to spend time with our family like on the Christmas, Easter, and etcetera holiday weekends. Bowling every saturday in Utica gives me something to do so i'm not bored at home like always because I can barely do anything on the weekend except for hangout with my friends after. We are halfway in the season already and we started the week after school started, and it's going by fast and i’ve been bowling good it's a success so far. My team has been holding up the past weeks and i'm surprised about it.
My bowling style that I use when I bowl and what I do. I aim for the second arrow on the right like the pro bowlers. Some directions to hook, number one the pro bowlers look at the second arrow and aim for it and don't look at the pins. Number two they follow through and look at the wrist to see if they can improve and not get another mistake, and that's all I can think of. Some pro bowlers are Belmo(Jason Belmonte), Pete Weber, Wes Malott, and Norm Duke. Jason Belmonte is the only two hand bowler out of the ones I just mentioned. My team finished 4th place in the first half of the season and that's pretty good, and I got a medal for one of the top ten bowlers in my league, and top ten scorers with my highest game in leagues

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