
Descriptive Essay - Original Writing

Decent Essays

It was 3:27 a.m., and my husband, just pulled into our driveway. He manages a popular restaurant in D.C. and had just worked his usual 12-hour shift and was exhausted and only thinking about climbing into bed to sleep the sleep of the dead for a peaceful 3 hours until our 3 year old son rose with the sun and snuck into our room. So he walked out of the car and locked the door and walked the 15-20 steps to our front door. As he stepped inside, he quickly yet gently shut the front door behind him as he could hear a loud truck racing down the street towards our direction and didn’t want the loud engine to wake up everyone (myself and our 2 young children) who were fast asleep inside. Then there was a loud crash, and the pickup truck’s engine raced away. I awoke in bed from the noise of the collision but at the same time heard our front door open/close so I knew he was home safe and I allowed myself to fall back asleep.

He crawled into bed soon after and I curled up next to him. It really wasn’t soon after, it was 4:30 a.m., a whole hour later. He pulled me close and said “I just want you to know that I’m okay”. I immediately awoke. I looked at him in the dark and said “what does that mean? Why are you saying that?” He calmly said, “I’m okay, but our car is totalled”. I sat up in bed and asked what happened. My mind was racing. How could that be possible? He explained that a large dark truck jumped two curbs and smashed our parked car into our 150 year old magnolia tree and

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