
Designing a Reward System

Better Essays

Designing a Reward System
By: Kelly Hitt

A reward system in the human service organization is a great idea. Having a reward system can help boost morale and give employees something to look forward too and work harder to strive to get the reward that is being offered. When deciding to have a reward systems there are many things that need to be considered. Some things to be considered would be the nine major factors of motivation. These are respect for me as a person, good pay, chance to turn out quality work, chance for promotion, opportunity to do interesting work, feeling my job is important, being told by the boss that you did a good job, opportunity for self-development and improvement, and a large amount of freedom on …show more content…

Furthermore, I would also like to put out a box for the clients to recommend the person that they think should get a certificate of the most helpful employee. This will be rewarded by a free lunch. I took everything into consideration when deciding what the rewards should be for the reward system. I sat down and talked to a few people to see what exactly they would like to see as rewards. I think looked over all the information that I accumulated and picked the ones I thought would work the best. I figured everyone would like a paid day off work for doing a good job. As for employee of the month I would like everyone to get this not just the same person every month. I will be the one to choose this person and they will get chosen even if it is only one thing that they have improved on. I figure if they improve on one thing then if they make employee of the month that will make them want to improve that much more so that they can continue to get rewards. [pic]Even a small little sticker or pin will make the employee know that you see that they are doing a great job and this will encourage them to move forward. This can be given on a daily basis. Also keeping a large chart on all the quality service people are giving and the areas where employees need to improve will help the employees know where they stand at all times. Keep this chart where everyone has access to it at any given time. This reward system is something that all the employees had a say in

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