
Dewi Lestari's 'Supernova': An Analysis

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The universe is nature’s spider web. Everything is connected and a slight change can tug down the largest object. The novel Supernova tells us about this. In Supernova, Dewi Lestari discusses different theories of the universe and how it works. Lestari uses Dhimas and Ruben, two characters that are writing a love story inside the novel, to explain theories of the universe. These two characters describe chaos theory along with the butterfly effect and fractals. Dhimas and Ruben also speak on how these theories can be related to each other, the world surrounding them, and the entire universe as a whole. Chaos theory, which includes the butterfly effect and fractals, is why the universe is so random and the actions and conversations between the …show more content…

These connections can have random effects on other connections. This is where the butterfly effect comes into play. The butterfly effect states that due to everything being effected, the smallest change in one thing can cause dramatic and long term changes in another. Dr. Jonathan Wolfe, the founder of the Fractal Foundation, gives an example of the butterfly effect by saying “The power to cause a hurricane in China because a butterfly flapping its wings in New Mexico. If the butterfly had not flapped its wings at just the right point in space/time, the hurricane would not have happened” (Wolfe “What is Chaos Theory”). Wolfe is stating that the connections can be from a small coincidence to a large scale disaster. These connections are real and invisible, but also very random. Thanks to Chaos Theory, this butterfly was in the right spot at the right time. Due to this tiny coincidence that affected nobody all the way across the world, a small change snowballed into a large and catastrophic change to many people. Chaos; however, is not order nor disorder. It’s in between both and can be either or at any given time. Chaos can be good randomness such as winning the lottery or bad randomness like a supernova affecting millions. Another aspect of the Chaos …show more content…

The universe is completely random; however, is so connected that the subtlest of changes can affect many different things which seem not to be connected. An example of this can be seen as Rana is entering Ferré’s office. It’s written that “Although she was well aware of the stature of the man she was about to interview, she had not planned her interview and had no idea where the conversation may lead” (Lestari 30). Rana called to have an interview with Ferré, who usually declined them. This time was the first time he did not, which proves the randomness of the universe around us. Due to this change Rana did not expect to have to prepare, which made her not ready to ask the questions for the interview. Without chaos theory, this would lead Ferré declining the interview as usual. Since he accepted the interview, this started the chain reaction known as the butterfly effect. With this effect, the story continues with their romantic lives and how they deal with everyday with each other. Without the butterfly effect Ferré would have never met Diva and Rana and her husband may have stayed in a stagnated marriage with no change or happiness. The event, which was the interview, seemed small but caused an unstable reaction from it. The butterfly effect dictates that small events and changes to normal conditions leads to unstable and large outcomes. Lestari writes “The unnoticed

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