
Differences Between Bisexuality And Homosexuality, And Heterosexuality

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Cerny and Janssen (2011) aimed to determine if self-identified bisexual, heterosexual, and homosexual men show different arousal patterns to videos showing sexual interactions of different sexual orientations. Past studies had never included a sexual stimulus that was defined as bisexual (depicting a man having sex with both a women and a man.) Past studies always look at the differences of a bisexual’s stimulation to heterosexual and homosexual stimuli compared to homosexual’s and heterosexual’s stimulations. No study had ever had a specific bisexual stimulus that they could compare bisexuals’ stimulation to non-bisexuals. Lots of studies have found the bisexual orientation does to not exist. There have been many studies that have found little difference between bisexuality and homosexuality, and bisexuality and heterosexuality. These studies were based on stimulation and physical arousal. The construct of bisexuality is a foggy one. This study provides an interesting look into something no one had done before. Having a bisexual stimulus is a great new variable. However, after dissecting the Introduction and the Methods section there seems to be some conceptual and methodological weaknesses. The literature that this study is based on is peculiar for a few reasons. First, they bring up studies that back that bisexuality exists established by interview and questionnaire studies that measure fantasies, attraction, and behavior. Then right afterwards they list various

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