
Differences Between The Constitution And Texas Constitution

Good Essays

Glillian Rosa-Orama
Dr. Karen Waugh
GOVT 2306
20 July 2015

The Texas Constitution has evolved in many ways throughout history. Before the current constitution there were five predecessors. There were many factors that effected each of the five constitutions. After very long governance by Spain and Mexico and a small war with Mexico, the Texans finally won their independence. The first constitution had become official in September of 1836. This first constitution was called the Republic Of Texas Constitution. After struggling for about nine years to become apart of the Union, Texas’s second constitution was created. The Second constitution was called the Statehood Constitution and was thought to be one of the best constitutions of time. The Jacksonian Democracy greatly influenced the Statehood Constitution. The idea of the Jacksonian Democracy was to increase the people’s participation in the government. This Constitution lasted about 16 years until Texas joined the Confederate Sates of America in 1861. This third constitution was called the Civil War Constitution. The main goal was to modify the …show more content…

Constitution. Both of the constitutions contain the separations of powers, which consist of the legislative, judicial, and executive branch. They also have restrictions on which government actions cannot be done due to being unequal. Both constitutions have the, “Separation of church and state, due process for the criminally accused, and freedom of speech and of the press,”(Newell, Prindle, and Riddlesperger 47-48). The U.S. constitution allows the government officials to have more say in their work than the State constitution. In both the state and national level there are many things that the some branches of the government can do that others cannot, that is why some people say, ”Powers are not truly separated, but overlapping and shared,” (Newell, Prindle, and Riddlesperger

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