
Different Views And Opinions About Free Will

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There are many different views and opinions about whether or not people truly have free will, the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate, or if it is just an illusion. Humanists, Behaviourists, Positive Psychologists, Cognitive Psychologists, and Evolutionary Psychologists all have different thoughts about the question of free will. An example of this is that B.F. Skinner, a behaviourist, and Albert Bandura, a Cognitive Psychologist, believe very different things about the idea of free will.
An apparent advantage of behaviorism is that it has the ability to clearly define behavior and measure changes in behavior. According to the law of parsimony, the fewer assumptions a theory makes, the more credible it is. Therefore, behaviorism looks for simple explanations of human behavior from a very scientific viewpoint. One of the main assumptions from the humanistic approach is that humans have free will and not all behaviour is determined but behaviourists feel quite differently about this concept. Behaviourism was founded by John B. Watson in the year 1913. Watson once said “Psychology as a behaviorist views it is a purely objective experimental branch of natural science. Its theoretical goal is … prediction and control.” Watson had hoped to eliminate internal mental states such as the unconscious since he believed that it was non-existent since it is unobservable. This is one reason why Freud criticizes behaviorism since it does not take the influence of

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