
Disconnect From Social Media And Texting Essay

Decent Essays

Are we devoted to our alerts on our phone, yearning for an Instagram like, and completely obsessed with social media trends? We often don’t realize how many times a day we check our phone for any one of these things. Have we gotten so attached to our phones that they have become a part of us? I cant count how many times I have seen a bathroom selfie and a post of someone laying on their bed wishing others a goodnight. The rules of proper phone etiquette have shifted through out the years what was once considered rude and inconsiderate have now become social norms. According to a Mobile mindset study conducted by Security app lookout, 73 percent of people admit they would feel “panicked” while 14 percent would feel “desperate” if they were to lose their phones. What would happen if we chose to go without our phones, could we do it? To find an answer I chose to make a commitment to disconnect from social media and texting for two entire days. I had made friends, colleagues, and my parents aware of the decision I had made. And the responses I got were differed from each individual. A few friends sort of questioned my reasoning behind my action and as they became more informed they were more understanding. My mom on the other hand told me “how are you going to do it”, her comment was the most shocking to me. I had figured she of all people would be completely understanding and okay with me going without a phone. When she was my age she didn’t rely on technology, her means of

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