
Discrimination And Discrimination

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Distinction between prejudice and discrimination is attitude versus action. Prejudice refers to negative attitudes or feelings toward or about an entire category of people (Mooney p. 289). Whereas discrimination refers to the actions or practices that result in the differential treatment of categories of individuals (Mooney, p. 292); individuals act on their prejudices which result in discrimination. It is critical to analyze the relationship between prejudices and discrimination as to they affect society. The attitudes and behaviors that produce inequalities and refute social integration amongst various minority groups. Nonetheless, a vicious cycle in which when one leads to the other or a combination occurs, social problems are …show more content…

Prejudice behaviors are ignited through stereotypes that constantly tear down the standing of minority groups. When prejudice attitudes become discriminatory behaviors, there are societal consequences, for example the increase of unemployment, crime, violence, and poverty, as well as the lack of educational access and housing segregation. Theses social problems do not affect society equally as there are various forms of discrimination such as individual discrimination, over discrimination, adaptive discrimination, and institutional discrimination. Institutional discrimination consists of day to day practices of organizations and institutions that have a harmful impact on members of a minority group. Additionally, this type of discrimination can be direct, intentional negative impact or indirect, through prescribed norms or regulations established without the intent to harm.
Individuals are not born prejudice rather it is learned attitudes through the socialization process. Prejudicial expressions along racial or ethnicity lines are common in society, especially when minority groups are easily identified. In the education system, educators may have preconceived notions of their students based on race or ethnicity. For example, when former President George W. Bush singled out a school principal for having low expectations of his student body when it was predominantly made up of poor Hispanic children, hinting that these children couldn’t not learn or

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