
Disparity Of Gender Roles During The 1900 ' S

Best Essays

Shannon Netter
Professor Katuna
14 November 2015

Disparity of Gender Roles
Up until the early 1900’s, women were seen by society as people with household roles that consisted of cooking, cleaning, and tending their children. As time progressed, the view of women in society gradually changed, but their opinions still did not seem to matter. It wasn’t until 1920, that women gained suffrage with the 19th amendment. This amendment was a huge step in gaining full and equal rights for women, but unfortunately discrimination against them still happens today. There are various different situations in which the issue of gender inequality occurs. Although the law states that everyone has equal opportunities and rights, women are highly discriminated against in everyday roles such as employment, extracurricular activities, military, and in the government.
On February 3, 1870, the United States added the 15th Amendment to the constitution. This amendment stated that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude” (Web Guides). Surely the 15th Amendment was a great success for America, but note that women were not included anywhere in the amendment. It was not until the 90’s that women’s rights started to be acknowledged. In marriage, women did not fight against their husband’s wishes, and the men made all decisions for the

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