
Distance Education Essay

Better Essays

Distance Education

The American Education System over the years is developing a new way of schooling. Many colleges are resorting to this type of learning which is called Distance Education.
Distance Education is possible through the new advancements and technologies of computers. This new ideal learning has beneficial and negatives attributes, raises the differences between teaching in a classroom verses distance education, key players that are involved and schools who are offering this online education. This can be a valuable aspect to our society.

The computer is one of the most important technologies in this world. Due to the invention of the computer, our society as a whole has changed immensely. We can just get on the …show more content…

Therefore, with the breakthrough of new technology, students are able to take college classes online.

Distance Education is known to have many strengths. As a student myself, and I know I can speak for other students as well, a positive factor is being able to go to classes online, without moving from your room. Many students would rather take college courses online rather than walk to class, or have to drive to the campus. “The students indicated that they receive more personal attention than student at a face to face University” (UAA online). Another interesting fact that was found by these same students from a college in Alaska, is that they gave distance education a more higher rating than campus based on how they were treated. College attendees found that online schooling was more “fair and had better promptness” (UAA online). Another important aspect of learning online is, if you’re a person who has a family and a full time job and want to get your bachelor degree, it’s possible. It is made possible for this person because all they would have to do is sign up for classes whenever they have time. So the strength would be, being able to go back to school at home even though most of the time, you’re busy. In addition to taking online classes, you would have more privacy and be more

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