
Distributed Leadership: A Qualitative Case Study

Decent Essays

The broad topic area for my dissertation is Distributed Leadership Verses Non Distributed Leadership: A Qualitative Case Study that research instructional leadership systems in high schools. The problem statement is “It is not known how and to what extent distributed leadership verses non distributed leadership will influence school improvement of students in rural areas.”
The problem for this dissertation study test the challenges associated with creating, capturing and sharing knowledge. Doda (2017) describes this method as knowledge management. This method uses a critical goal of improving learning and performance in an organizational framework. Knowledge management as theory and a model was improved by Dalkir in 2005 (Atieh & Somayeh, 2017). …show more content…

The gap in the empirical study entitled: Distributed Instructional Leadership, as a Reform Strategy by Halverson & Clifford, (2013) brings to mind that Distributed Leadership is not framework for leadership, but a framework for research. Moreover, it focuses on successful principal’s use of distributed leadership to build leadership capacity in their school. There is limited empirical research that explores the relationship between effective principal characteristics and the use of distributed leaderships. For this reason, more research is needed to understand the actual method of distributed leadership, how it can be nurtured, supported, and developed to enhance student learning. Using a new conceptual framework, this article reports on a case study that reveals different interpretations of what leadership should entail and constitute at different levels of the organization. The research also shows that it is by no means enough to proselytize 'leadership' as if this will produce a set of approaches and behaviors that will problematically transform high

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