
Divided States Of America Essay

Decent Essays

Divided States of America, is a film that largely focuses on the history of our nation's political, social, and economic events. The film was named Divided States of America for a specific reason. Throughout the movie, it reveals the disagreements that have occured between the two parties: republican and democratic. There is a constant divide between the two political sides. There are evident occurrences of polarization, a division between two completely contrasting groups or sets of beliefs, within The United States of America government (Klein). Early on, Barack Obama makes it clear, he is striving to make our nation one, “We are not just red and blue states we are one” (Obama). Obama constantly speaks about how the only way America will be successful is to work together and put our differences aside. As mentioned in the …show more content…

It was called the stimulus bill, The President decided that his goal was to get the republicans in Congress on board as well. He promised the people that he would make bipartisan solutions. Bipartisan is contrary to Partisanship, the act of being biased or showing favoritism toward a particular cause (Klein). Essentially, Mr. President wanted to make a decision that was agreed on by both parties. Obama worked hopelessly with the opposing party, even offering tax cuts that he thought would make them more likely to vote the bill through congress. As stated by a newscaster, “He failed completely at his goal for bipartisan support.” The viewers see a drastic change in Obama's goal to work together. The President tried hopelessly to get a bill passed and had an unsuccessful attempt to make a bipartisan decision. Obama was forced to boot the republicans and rely solely on the democrats votes to get the stimulus bill passed, “The stimulus bill passed the House without a single Republican vote.” It was as if the President was taking it into his own hands and put his main goal aside, to work

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