
Do Railroads Have The Greatest Impact On Society?

Decent Essays

It is the eighteenth century. American faces are dressed with age and exhaustion; they have learned to sleep with their eyes awake. The streets are crowded, the air smells of rusted metal, and the smoke from nearby factories can be felt in everyone's lungs. George Stephenson, a bearded, middle-aged man hears a faint, never-before heard, choo choo in the distance... in his mind. He is about to bring hope home to American families while changing the world with the first locomotive. The locomotive, or railroad, is a form of transportation by steel tracks. Since the first by Stephenson, seven hundred different railroads are now running. Although it could be said that cell phones have had the greatest impact on society, railroads have actually had the greatest impact on society because of time, profits, and transportation.
One reason railroads have made the grandest impact on society is the abundance of product moved from location to location. An article named "Freight Rail Today" from The Federal Railroad Administration explains the amount of product Americans have …show more content…

The article written by Amy Lively, "Transcontinental Railroad: Construction, History and Impact" tells of the colossal improvement the Transcontinental Railroad and how it made crossing the United States brisk and swift. The article states, "it could take as long as six months to sail around Cape Horn in South America. With the new railroad...the trip only took a week"(Lively). Before the railroad, one form of travel was by sea on sailboats, which took half a year to reach its destination. Now with the railroad, traveling the same distance only takes a matter of a couple days. The decrease of travel time helps merchandise move from coast to coast with a rapid speed. If it wasn't for the railroad, the world would still be moving in slow motion, a speed people today would never be able to live

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