
Do You Have Children?

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Do you have children? If not, do you plan on having children in the future? Voluntary childless marriages have become a growing trend ever since the end of 1964s and have become even bigger at the start of 2006. According to the U.S. Census Bureau 's Current Population Survey, in 2014 about 47.6 percent of women between the age 15 and 44 had never had children. One might ask what’s the primary cause of childless couples.Childless couples are caused because of young couples seeking higher levels of educations and positions, the need to become financially stable and have become more self-centered over the years.

Couples between the ages of 20-40 will be more likely to put off having children until they have completed their education …show more content…

It also gives employers second thought of giving women a higher promotion since they might not be available when the employer need or they might have to change some policy and quotas to adapt to the women schedule .“There has been a profound disconnect between the speed at which women have been asked to take full-time roles in the workplace and the rate at which we’ve adapted laws and social programs to support this drastic change in the lives of women,” Plan. Employers nowadays expect their employees to people productive and efficient if employers have to use resources or change productive level due to one person it might be cheaper if the employer lets go the employee.

It’s quite common for most couples in first world countries to delay having children until they 're able to sustain themselves and their child financially. Children average cost expense yearly range from $10,000-$20,000 yearly. The fees sometimes make couple rethink about having a child.According to moneysense, the average cost of raising a child to the age of 18 is about $243,660.It cost $12,825 per child per year or $1,070 per month this is not factoring university and other expenses.Having a child has many financial issues like child care, necessary expenses, and ongoing expenses.Statistics Canada show on average the number of people pays for child care is $4,000-$7,000 until the age of 11.

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