
Donald Trump Feminism

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Throughout the 2016 presidential election, feminism and its influence on politics was a driving force for men and women alike in support of the first female presidential nomination Hillary Clinton; however, the election of Donald Trump has inspired a new wave of feminism in response to the administration of those in office, particularly seen during the International Women’s March.
In order to understand the present day feminist movement, one must understand how feminism originated and the basic definition of feminism. What comes to mind when you hear the word feminism? For many, phrases like “man-hater” and “feminazi” have become equated with feminism. However, feminism is quite simply defined as “political, economic, and social equality of …show more content…

In one infamous video released by the Washington Post, viewers can actually hear what has become one of his most widely known quotes, “grab them by the pussy.” Furthermore, one can hear his complete lack of respect for women in the video, saying other statements such as “I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait”, going back to the idea women are simply objects to men, a main point Simone de Beauvoir was trying to combat in The Second Sex. This is not the only instance of Trump being misogynistic and degrading towards women. A said by Fox News reporter Megyn Kelly, “You have called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs’, ‘dogs’, ‘slobs’, and ‘disgusting animals”, to which he replied “[I don’t] have the time for total political correctness.” His sexualization of women has continued for years and is the exact stereotypes feminists are working to break free …show more content…

More than 600 of these marches took place all over the world, the largest being at the nation’s capitol in Washington D.C.. Those who participated did so for a multitude of reasons. Marching for not just equal rights for women, but for equal rights for the LGTBQIA+ community, for Black Lives Matter, for raising awareness about climate change, and much, much more. The hashtag Why I March has garnered up millions of Instagram posts, Tweets, Facebook updates, and articles, all from men and women standing up for their beliefs. The coordinators of the Women’s March on Washington put together a document outlining their guidelines and principles, and illustrate modern day feminism very well. They go over the basic principles that human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights. It also demonstrates intersectionalism, calling for an end to police brutality, reformations for the criminal justice system, an end to human trafficking, rights for immigrants and refugees, among many others. Just as the first women’s convention in American history drew up a doctrine, the guiding vision and definition of principles of the Women’s March is eerily similar to the Declaration of Sentiments and Grievances written 169 years

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