
Dynamic Characters In The Things They Carried By Tim O Brien

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The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien incorporates dynamic characters and presents us with a first and third person point of view of how these characters deal with life and death in Vietnam War. Mary Anne Bell underwent several drastic changes as she participated in the Vietnam War in the chapter titled “Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong;” she was consumed by war and suffered dehumanization and became a different person. This chapter is told by Rat Kiley, the first medic of Alpha Company and O’Brien’s comrade. As we read though this chapter, we can see how war psychologically affects people and their loved ones. Mary Anne Bell is a prime example of a dynamic character that confirms the powerful nature of war.
“Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong” …show more content…

As adventurous and energetic of a women that Mary Anne is, her passionate feelings cause her to need something more than what Mark is doing. As a result, Mary Anne continued to go along with the Green Berets with their missions. “There was no emotion in her stare, no sense of the person behind it. But the grotesque part, he said was her jewelry. At the girl’s throat was a necklace of human tongues,” (O’Brien 104). When she returned to the outpost in a couple of weeks, Mark is unable to recognize her anymore. This is what happens when an innocent and naïve girl experiences war. In addition, bringing her over to the Vietnam War made Mark realize that it was a huge mistake. Mary Anne is now a completely different person than before she arrived to Vietnam and now she became a soldier that kills. He also lost his beloved future wife and his dreams of having three children and growing old with each other is lost. “‘You just don’t know,’ she said. ‘You hide in this little fortress, behind wire and sandbags, and you don’t know… Sometimes I want to eat this place. The whole country- the dirt, the death,’” (O’Brien 106). Mark did not understood the intentions of the war because he barely left the medical outpost and participated in the battlefield. He was a soldier that did not kill and stayed at the medical outpost and did not know how Mary …show more content…

Once she entered the Vietnam War, it was hard for her to leave. She was inexperienced about the war and the involvement in the war caused her to be fearless and obsessed with it. She transformed from a bubbly, innocent, and naïve American girl into a hardened killer. Rat Kiley explains in this chapter that “what happened to her, Rat said, was what happened to all of them. You come over clean and you get dirty and then afterward it’s never the same,” (O’Brien 109). The changes that Mary Anne experienced, shows the similar changes that every soldier in Vietnam went through; they deserted themselves from their culture and became hardened soldier. Mary Anne was not recognized by her boyfriend Mark Fossie and replaces her love into the jungle of Vietnam and consumed by

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