
Early Childhood Education Is The Potential For Many Significant Outcomes

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Thesis Statement: Early childhood education has many benefits and there is the potential for many significant outcomes if universal preschools were put into place.

Early childhood education has many benefits and there is the potential for many significant outcomes if universal preschools were put into place. Some feel that children who start kindergarten without previously attended preschool sometimes lack certain skills such as social and communication skills and an inability to follow routines. There were also studies done that found attending preschool could help to close the achievement gap in the grade school years. A child’s first few years of life are most important, and they absorb the most during those years. By providing universal preschool, all children would be benefiting, especially those who are in at-risk families or part of the lower class. As a society, we have a responsibility to help the children in our communities and provide them with the education they need in order to help them succeed in life.
Universal preschool is an initiative being discussed and the United States government has been trying to allocate money to put this practice into place in states across the country. It would give access to quality preschool education to all families for free or a very low cost. Because of its free or low cost, it would be extremely beneficial for those families who are at risk or in the lower class. These families generally cannot afford to send their

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