
Econ2206- Assignment 1

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Assignment 1 To investigate the effects of the land size (lotsize)and house size (sqrft) on the house price (price) in a particular suburb, the following model log()=0+1log()+2log()+ is used. a) What is the meaning of 1in this model? b) Explain why you would (or would not) expect that 1>0. c) Explain the meaning of the zero-conditional-mean assumption for this model. d) Download the description file “hprice1.des” and data file “hprice1.raw” from the course website and read the descriptions about the data. Find the (i) the units of measurement; (ii) the sample means; and (iii) the sample standard deviations of price , lotsize , sqrft and bdrms. (e) With the data in “hprice1.raw”, estimate the above …show more content…

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