
Economic Inequality Of The United States

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Economic Inequality Paper
Homelessness is one of the main problems plaguing the United States today, with low income earners at a higher risk of becoming homeless than previous years. There have been countless laws and ordinances put in place throughout the country in hopes of solving this growing problem but many of them have failed to address one of the main things causing this issue, economic inequality and the unequal distribution of wealth in the United States. Although there are many non-profit organizations working not only to get people off the streets, but to prevent them from becoming homeless in the first place, they are facing an uphill battle until the United States government addresses its country’s current unequal distribution of wealth. Throughout this essay I will be discussing the strategies multiple non-profit organizations, including the one I worked with last semester, are using in their battle to combat homelessness, the relationship between economic inequality and homelessness in the United States, and my experiences working with LifeMoves, formerly known as InnVision Shelter Network.
One of the most popular strategies non-profit organizations use to help combat this problem is offering homeless people temporary shelter. One local non-profit organization that offers this kind of shelter is HomeFirst. The type of shelter HomeFirst offers is called the cold weather shelter program. This service offers homeless people a warm meal and a safe place to stay

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