
Educational Implications of Socioeconomic Status

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Axia College Material
Appendix D
Educational Implications of Socioeconomic Status Matrix
Directions: Based on your personal experiences and on the readings for this course, answer the questions in the green section of the matrix as they apply to each of the listed socioeconomic classes. Fill in your answers and post your final draft as an attachment to your Individual forum.

| Socioeconomic Classes | Questions | Unemployed and Homeless | Working Class | Middle Class | Upper Middle Class | Upper Class | Who is most likely to be a part of this socioeconomic class? | The portion of the population who suffers the most from the lack of a stable incomeor other economic resources | People at the low end of the wage scale are the …show more content…

| How is financial support for schools serving this class different from or similar to from the other socioeconomic classes? | The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act requires public schools to provideeducational rights and protections for homeless children and youth, includingstudents who are living with relatives or friends because they have lost theirhousing. | Education is supported by local property taxes,which supply about 44% of all school funds. | Same as working class | Same as working class | The few U.S. students who live in high-income communitieswithin generous states attend public schools funded at $15,000 or more perstudent per year, whereas other students in poor communities within stingy statesare supported by $3,000 or less per year in funding for their schools. | How well does the curriculum reflect this socioeconomic class’s experience? Explain your answer. | Students from low-income families begin kindergarten with lower cognitiveskills than their peers in families with middle and high incomes. kindergartners begin their schooling in the worst publicschools with low-quality teaching and discriminatory practices | The needs of business and industry are metby preparing students from low-income families for low-wage jobs that will bemanaged by college graduates from middle- and high-income families. | Students not classified as middle class areoften viewed as not able to achieve at high academic levels. | Same as

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