
Effects Of Child Abuse On Children Essay

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Introduction to Child Abuse The consequences of maltreatment can be devastating. The consequences of abuse and the failure to take care of their child or children affect the victims themselves and the society in which they live in. it is important, crucial even, to further investigate child abuse because it could tell us a lot about the thoughts in our society and the value of children to people. We should put stock into what children must say because it is always difficult in legal situations when children are involved because we think so little of what they should say. Therefore, being exposed to child abuse can lead into delinquency. The affects of child abuse are plentiful, particularly in relation to their physical, psychological and emotional needs and development. In addition to the damage caused to these aspects, this also can turn abused children to lives of delinquency. Physical consequences range from minor damage to severe brain damage and even death. Psychological consequences range from chronic low self-esteem to severe dissociative states. Behaviourally, the consequences of abuse range from poor peer relations all the way to extreme violent behaviours.
Relationship between Abuse and Delinquency There is a general agreement in society that child abuse is significant and complex problem. Studies has found and examined the proportion of abused children who later became delinquent and the proportion of delinquents with abuse histories. Child maltreatment is a

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